Basic Configuration

1. Start S3Sync after successful installation.

2. Switch to the “Sync Settings” tab.

3. Name(required)

Specify a sync root name, which will be shown as the name of the newly created branded node in the navigation pane of File Explorer.

As shown in the following screenshot.

4. Sync Root(required)

A directory, which will be synced between the remote and the local.

It should be empty initially.

5. S3 Account section

Specify the S3 connection information.

6. Type: S3 provider

Supported S3 Providers:

7. Endpoint(optional): see the offical S3 document.

8. AccessKey and SecretKey: required.

9. Advanced(conditional):

  • Use TLS: True by default.
  • Use Virtual Hosting Path: True by default.

Change them as your provider requires.

10. Click Install to register the sync provider.

Congratulations, you have completed the configuration 🙂

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Updated on 2024-04-12